Why Work with InterEd?

Whether you want to launch a new program, conduct a competitive analysis to revise tuition, or redesign your enrollment function to grow enrollments where enrollments at similar institutions are declining, these are a few reasons why InterEd might be your smartest choice.

  • Working only with senior administrators, we have been building successful relationships for 26 years. It means something to us that our very first clients remain friends who continue to call on us.

  • Like many of your programs, our admissions are selective. We accept as clients only those institutions for which there is clear evidence that our work will provide distinctive value leading to high financial or other defined returns.

  • No entity, including the US Department of Education, possesses more high-quality longitudinal data bearing on your program launch decision. As one example, our knowledge base contains detailed notes from ~40,000 professional interviews with employers and academic program leaders and managers.

  • Our breadth of experience adds value to each of our services; it places them in a larger strategic and operational context. We offer precision management systems to reduce acquisition costs and increase lifetime financial value through improved lead generation, enrollment, retention, instruction, content development and management, program catalog analysis (add, hold or fold), financial modeling and tuition setting, competitive analysis, assessment and CQI systems, and decision-support dashboards. We also help institutions develop focused brand equity by developing strategic plans for program development.

  • Our systems development clients have invested thousands and recognized many millions in marginal revenue. We are the silent partner of well-known leaders in the independent college sector.