Who We Are
Our Work Describes Us
Relationships. If we suffer from any manner of pride, it is our record of building lasting relationships with our clients. Our clients are peers and colleagues; we count most of them as friends. If this means something to you, you have come to the right place.
Risk Mitigation. Clients come to us for many reasons. Proven, year on year risk mitigation is one of three major reasons they keep coming back.
Return On Investment. High return on investment is the second reason why InterEd's clients look to us for guidance. How high? It depends on the service but from 25:1 to 100:1 describes the low end of our services. Many services, such as Program Feasibility Research, can be much higher.
Distinctive Intelligence that Matters. We gather, accumulate, and track changes in the deep intelligence that underlies smart decisions and ensures program and institutional success.
If We Know It, We Will Share With You
If a new client has any difficulty getting used to working with us, it is most often because they are used to having firms like InterEd hold back information until they pay. That is not our practice. We are happy to share what we know of bearing on the problem you face. We charge for services only if and when it involves additional research, analysis, and development specifically for you.
Call us if you are working on a growth, development, quality management, or related problem. There is a good chance that we can help you advance a solution with no fee. How do we stay in business doing this? We are pretty sure that you will call us when you are ready to have hands-on work done.
Clients call us often, whenever they want to test a new idea. We like that.
Other Reasons
Depth. You may have seen the websites of firms seeking to give you quantitative guidance while claiming that they have 300 years of experience in the field. (Hmmm.) As presently constructed, we have been doing what we do every week for more than 25 years. Prior to that, we were engaged in meeting the same goals since 1983. Same people. Concretely provable achievements. No odd statistics.
Skin in the Game. Not sure we can meet the goals we agree to? We are happy to contract for a portion of the results rather than a flat fee.
No Mass Templates. You get individualized guidance based on long-term personal experience. You do not get playbooks developed by someone who observed and recorded the behavior of others. You do not get low-validity mass-customized templates applied to everyone with minor changes. InterEd's research and guidance is developed exclusively for you, in your culture and market, and for your eyes only.
Enjoyable to Work With. We work in ways that are congruent with your institutional culture and managerial resources. We look forward to our conversations with each other. So will you.
Independent & Objective. Our guidance represents our best research and analysis in your interest, not ours. We accept no considerations of any kind from vendors whom we might recommend to help you achieve your goals. Since back-end deals are common, we think this should be transparent when considering consultants and vendors.
No Hedging. You get clear guidance without hedging or rhetorical or numerical bloat designed to avoid being responsible for concrete advice. We work with you to make things happen.
If you need to grow, improve quality, manage with greater precision, or redesign your programs, we will get you where you want to be and take responsibility for it. We will help you meet your growth, quality management, and innovation goals efficiently and in a way that leaves you well positioned for the future.
Our Clients
Among leaders and senior decision-makers in higher education, we accept clients:
For whom we can offer a distinctive advantage.
Who meet our tests of readiness to benefit.
"Having a relationship with InterEd is like having my own dedicated research department staffed with the expert's experts. The way we work together, they might as well office down the hall."
We have clients for whom we are providing hands-on guidance in enrollment management, retention management, new program development, executive coaching, vision and goal setting, program and market determination, infrastructure and systems development, role and proficiency models, developing dashboards and reporting systems, vendor selection and management, service readiness, student and faculty surveys, and more. We also have clients who call us once a year for a single program feasibility study.
Three Things We Do Not Do . . .
Accept any engagement where we cannot see a clear path to achieving your goals.
"Up-sell." It annoys us when people do that.
Hide fees. We will either guarantee a flat fee or, in complex situations, guarantee a not-to-exceed fee.
Want to Talk?
Call us at 262-394-4335.
Alternately, complete our short contact form and we'll get back to you.
If not, take your time and learn more about us:
Review our core principles.
Read our free Executive Briefings.
Learn what we do.